"He’s not our heaven. Naturally, he’s going to be sent to the mortal world. No fairy was caught in heaven, but it’s miserable." Marshal Tianpeng shook his head.
"Xian ji that thing you can literally nòng to isn’t it? If you don’t promise me, you won’t go. What can you do with me if you are a dead old man? " Rollán seems to be broken. Anyway, it’s already like this. The worst thing is to die. It’s no big deal
The third chapter is another head disease
Hear Rollán refuse tone at Eric Suen Yiu Wai marshal canopy nai.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai saw this look in his eyes and knew that Marshal Tianpeng was going to sell him. He might as well be generous if he was forced. Anyway, now that Rollán is going to re-post, it is not a glorious thing to follow Bi Mawen, but he should also be able to ensure food and clothing worries. Now he has no choice.
Thought of here, he patted himself as if he were goiiōng to be generous to righteousness. I not ng preserved it and said to Marshal Tianpeng, "Marshal, since Rollán’s predecessors wanted me to ruin my small home, I might as well follow Rollán’s predecessors to beg for food, so you won’t hesitate any more."
Marshal Tianpeng looked at Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s face of sacrificing the ego to save the ego and patted Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s shoulder seriously. "Good people are really good people. Don’t worry, your immortal problem is in Marshal’s body. In addition, if you encounter any difficulties in the future, don’t hesitate to come to Marshal. If it’s not too difficult, Marshal will definitely help you."
"Marshal’s words are really small. If Marshal is small, if he is seen by other fairy officials in a fog, wouldn’t it be early dead?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai also said with a dynamic voice, but his heart has already finished greeting the ancestors of Marshal Tianpeng. He knows very well that if he doesn’t promise to follow Rollán, the final result will be miserable. Don’t look at Marshal Tianpeng’s smiling face now. If these immortals turn against each other, it’s really faster than turning over.
"Well, now that things are settled, Rollán, should you come back with me?" Marshal canopy asked.
"No problem, help me untie the damn chains first." Rollán squinted at Eric Suen Yiu Wai, almost completely covered by luàn’s bad hair, and her eyes shone with greed.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai can’t help but take a deep breath in a gasp. The youngest son won’t really have that hobby. If he is really old, even if he dies, he must keep the otaku Zhen Ao. You can’t give it to a man for the first time.
Marshal Tianpeng took off the shackles for Rollán, and then took them out of this dark exile to Bimawenfu, which is actually a good mansion. There is nothing wrong with the celestial architecture, even if Sesame is bigger, it must be a very good mansion.
Behind Bimawenfu is the Tiantang Ranch. The only difference between Tiantang Ranch and Fanfan Ranch is that there is tender grass that can be regenerated continuously, which means that no matter how horses eat it, they will not worry about eating it up.
Besides, the clouds around this ranch really feel a little fairyland.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai is an eye-opener this time. Heaven, these horses are strong and strong, so it is not necessary to fight when they are mounted.
Look at these horses. They either lie on the ground and eat, sleep and eat, or sleep with a yawn. Where there is a little horse-like root, it is a group of pigs.
Before crossing, Eric Suen Yiu Wai saw the monkey Sun and the horses playing. At that time, these horses were still alive and kicking. luàn jumped with great spirit. How long has it been since the monkey was dismissed from office? The horses have also become fat. It’s really like the fame of Heaven Ranch.
"Hey, hey, is this your well-bred horse?" Rollán, hey hey, a strange laugh. "Are you raising pigs and waiting for Fei? Are you going to kill them and eat them?"
Marshal Tianpeng smiled awkwardly and laughed. "Don’t be sarcastic there, old man. Anyway, even if these horses can fight, we won’t. Have you ever seen a mountain soldier ride a horse when he will play? These heavenly horses are too weak to compare with mounts such as Mo Qilin and Jin Mao lion. Who would they have been directly erased if Emperor Yu insisted on leaving this ranch for fear that the immortal Bi Mawen would be in heaven? "
"You’re telling the truth. If it weren’t for Bai Longma, it’s really impossible to play any role in the battle. Then I’ll leave these horses alone. I’ll take care of the white elephant." Rollán is also learning now. Anyway, no one cares about these horse things, and he is too lazy to take a reason.
"You are talking about the point that Emperor Yu let you out this time. The rest of the horses are dead or alive. The so-called key is that we can’t let the white elephant die again. Otherwise, we and screamo Temple are afraid that it will become not so good. Now it is eventful autumn. Emperor Yu wants to curry favor with the Buddhist paradise. If you ruin Emperor Yu’s plan, he will definitely put you into ten layers of hell and never turn over." Marshal Tianpeng laughed.
"Without further ado, what about the white elephant?" Rollán asked.
Marshal Tianpeng pointed to a separate pasture not far away. There are many plants that are only found in the West, all of which are liked by white elephants. In that almost isolated place, there is a white elephant eating leisurely.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai looked at the white elephant, which was about twice as big as the ordinary elephant, and it was as white as Yu. If it didn’t move, it really didn’t look like a living thing, but a statue carved out of white Yu. It was so beautiful.
I was just about to ask Marshal Tianpeng what was the name of the white elephant when suddenly a list of information came to his mind automatically.
"White Yu ice image-good at ice attack in five-element water magic, mild in character, currently in a critical period, with serious injuries. If you can’t treat it, your life will be in danger …"
Suddenly this column of information Eric Suen Yiu Wai didn’t dwell on it, but the white ice elephant was in danger, but it made him really nervous.
This damn Buddhist Tathagata sends an ice elephant every time. Look, it’s like a deliberate spell to hurt this ice elephant. It’s over. If this ice elephant dies in Rollán’s hands again, don’t say Luo Liang will be sent to ten levels of hell. It’s estimated that Eric Suen Yiu Wai himself will have to suffer.
No, no, we have to find a way to bring this white elephant back to life first!
Eric Suen Yiu Wai was in a hurry, but he was not a veterinarian, and he didn’t know anything about medical skills. To say that playing games was ok, but to treat this monster beast, there was nothing at all.
Seeing Rollán walking towards the white ice elephant with a smile on his face, Eric Suen Yiu Wai can pray in his heart that this Mr. Bi Mawen can find the ice elephant injury and then find a way to cure it, otherwise it will be in big trouble.
It’s a pity that he expected God to achieve half. Rollán just walked to the side of the white ice elephant and gently m not m not immediately changed his face. "Marshal Tianpeng, you can pit me this time. This ice elephant has a serious injury. It’s nothing to look at the surface, but it will be over in three days! If it’s finished, then I’m finished. "
"Can it be cured?" Marshal canopy also some worry.
"The only way is to pass this injury on to other wild animals, otherwise the root is impossible. If the old gentleman is willing to make moves, he will be allowed, but the old man is playing dumb now and he won’t treat the white elephant brought by the Tathagata." Luo Liang laughed bitterly.
Chapter IV Selective Synthesis
When both Luo Liang and Marshal Tianpeng had a headache, Eric Suen Yiu Wai hesitated, "Can I try?"
"Can you cure it?" Marshal Tianpeng and Rollán have looked at Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s eyes with surprises, but more is unbelievable.
"Try it. I’m not really sure, but if you leave it like this, it’s hopeless, isn’t it?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai light way
"You can think it over. If nòng dies in the process, the white ice elephant will drive you into ten layers of hell and you will never be able to survive," said Marshal Tianpeng.
"Anyway, even if I do nothing, won’t the result be the same?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai thought very white, but now he can save himself. Saving Rollán means saving him and living a good life. But if you don’t do anything, you will die.
Rollán Shen Yin said to Marshal Tianpeng for a while, "Let this little one try. Do you know that I want to come to this little one from you? I’m a good horse, and I’m a good horse. I can’t go wrong because I saw a strange brilliance in this small body. He is simply my best successor in Rollán. "
Hear Rollán Eric Suen Yiu Wai somehow relieved glad Rollán doesn’t have that kind of hobby but also a burst of condescension "what do you mean, I am just like a horse in your eyes? Well, even if you know Kyle, do I have a bad life when I open the traveler? "
"I’ll leave it to you when you’re young. If you succeed, this bi-ma Wen position will be yours." Marshal Tianpeng said excitedly that although he despised Rollán, he was very confident in Rollán’s knowledge of people and horses. Since Rollán said that Eric Suen Yiu Wai was no problem, it would be no problem.
"Then what shall I do?" Rollán frown asked.
"Stupid, you can naturally go back to the Ministry of Fire to be your general. Emperor Yu is not that kind of rigid person. If I say a few good words in front of him, will he refuse to reinstate you?" Marshal canopy criticise way
Rollán suddenly flushed with excitement, and the blood came to do this. It was Naiju. He always felt that this official had no future and was despised by the third-order immortals. He had long been unwilling to do it. Now he can return to the Ministry of Fire, even if he is a Ministry of Fire, he might as well do more things than this.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai left the pie mouth and muttered something contemptuously in his heart, which really made others marry, but it’s all right to be famous. Although I’m also surnamed Sun, I don’t have a monkey named Sun. It seems good to be a horse keeper, just having pet synthesis skills, but who can guarantee that he can’t get ahead after being famous?
As the saying goes, 3,000 yuan on the main road does not necessarily mean that you have to go to penance or fight, and you can become immortal by raising horses.
After figured it out, Eric Suen Yiu Wai was in a much better mood, so he went to the separate pasture where the white ice elephant was located, and ordered the groom of Bimawenfu to help bring an old-looking Tianma to live for a few days.
What Eric Suen Yiu Wai wants to do is to directly transfer the injury of Bai Yu’s ice elephant to this old horse through synthetic skills.
His synthetic skills are optional, such as synthesizing an elephant with a war horse. If he wants the teeth of the elephant, then nothing else will be passed on to the war horse.
Whether something like injuries can be passed on to Eric Suen Yiu Wai is not quite certain, and I was afraid to say anything before.
"What are you doing there with an old horse? Don’t you know it’s a white elephant ranch?" Marshal Tianpeng couldn’t help shouting when he saw the groom leading the old horse to the white elephant.
"You shut up and don’t understand, don’t luàn. There’s no one else here. Just watch. Where did you get so much nonsense? If the white elephant is alive and everyone is fine, you can probably win the trust of Emperor Yu." Rollán shouted testily.
Probably because of high expectations, Solo Liang was really nervous at this time. He was worried that if Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s treatment failed, his dream would be shattered and he would fall directly from heaven to hell. He said that his voice was too difficult, but he startled Marshal Tianpeng.
When the groom saw that Marshal Tianpeng was not talking, he still led the old horse to the white elephant.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai gently caressed M not the old horse’s forehead and gently sighed, "Horse, horse, you have to send a field when you are not fighting. Although I’m sorry, you can take your knife if you are the least among these Tianma."
The old horse seemed to understand Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s meaning and suddenly became anxious. If the groom had not tied it firmly to the tree, he would have run away.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai took a deep breath with two cold lights in her eyes and knew that now was not the time to sigh. Either the horse died or he died. If he had to choose, he would naturally choose to live by himself.
After a harsh light, the old horse quieted down, while the white elephant was still eating the grass at leisure, as if nothing had happened.
"Did it work?" Rollán swallowed and asked nervously because on the surface, nothing seems to have happened.
"Don’t you know if the seniors come and see?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai smiled. I didn’t expect the pet synthesis skill to have such an effect. If you get sick in the future, just don’t go to see the disease and simply pass the disease on to something else.
The old horse was taken back by the groom, and it seemed that nothing had happened, but Eric Suen Yiu Wai knew that its life span was about two or three days, and he told the groom to take good care of it and let it spend the last moment comfortably.
On the other side, Rollán once again checked the white ice, as if his body didn’t believe his feelings. He actually checked it again and again several times before he suddenly jumped up. "Ha ha ha ha! Without the original injury, there is nothing at all, hahaha! "
Looking at some madness, Rollán Eric Suen Yiu Wai gently breathed a sigh of relief. Luo Benign saved his life and saved it. However, what should Bi Mawen do? He really has no experience. It seems that he needs to consult this Luo Liang well.